Wednesday, January 23, 2008
New paper doll pages online
I've just posted the inside pages of the new paper doll books to the Paperdoll Review website. Now visitors can preview the lovely costumes for Ava Gardner, Debbie Reynolds, Grace Kelly and TV Moms of the 1950s. These paper doll books are at the printer and I'll get to see the proofs tomorrow! Shown: Grace Kelly's clothes.
Color pages in Paper Doll Studio Magazine
Starting with the Comic Book Issue (late Feb 2008), we are adding four full color pages in OPDAG's Paper Doll Studio! These pages will appear in the center of the magazine, and I plan to use them as a full color gallery of theme art. Based on what we have for color entries I can show paper dolls full size or an arrangement of two, three or four on a page. This feature will replace the full color insert we've been doing in the past. Shown: paper doll by Alina Kolluri.
More Credit Cards for Paperdoll Review!
This week I've signed up with a new credit card merchant services company so we'll soon be able to accept not only Visa, Mastercard and Paypal, but also Discover and American Express for mail, phone and website orders