Saturday, February 23, 2008
OPDAG Comic Book Issue Progress
Our comic book character issue of Paper Doll Studio will be going to press soon. I expect the issues will be mailed by mid-March. Last time I made a huge mistake and sent out several issues without the bulk rate indicia, and although I paid for the mailing, some issues may have been discarded by the postal system. So if you never received Issue 89 featuring Erte, please let me know.
I've enjoyed working with our special guest featured artist, Anne Timmons, a real comic book illustrator! Working with Trina Robbins, she does the illustrations for the GoGirl! comics, featuring a paper doll in each issue. She also illustrates graphic novels for Graphic Classics and other publishers. Visit her website or blog for more information.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
The new paper dolls are here!
Our four new paper dolls arrived yesterday! Well, they actually arrived in Kingfield two days ago, and had been sitting in the warehouse of a nearby welding company. Because the shipment comes on two large palates, the folks at the welding shop have been really nice to allow my paper dolls to be delivered to their loading dock.
Yesterday someone had time to load them on a truck and deliver them to our garage. I'm delighted with the new books! Debbie Reynolds, Ava Gardner, Grace Kelly and TV Moms of the 1950s all look great! Margie was here until 8:30 last night filling advance orders. And there are still more to go! By Friday we should be all caught up. Thanks, everyone, for waiting. I hope you will like them as much as I do!