Friday, July 25, 2008

Esther, Sonja, Marsha and the Steppers are here!

Our newest paper doll books arrived this week! The advance orders have all been mailed so if you're waiting for one or more of the new books, you should receive your package in 1-2 weeks. All four books are lovely! I'm especially pleased with the Esther Williams book as it was a group effort and came out positively gorgeous! Reproduced from the 1953 paper doll/coloring book, it has eight clothing pages, four of which were hand-colored by Marilyn Henry. She's so skillful at rendering fabrics--her silk looks like silk, taffeta looks like taffeta and so on. David Wolfe wrote the biography for this book, as he did with our other star books. And our newest edition to our paper doll family, Pierre Halé, helped with the page restoration work in Photoshop. He also applied his Photoshop skills to our next three books.

The Sonja Henie book is lovely, with eight pages of clothes for all occasions. A highly sought-after paper doll from 1941, it's nice to offer this as a reproduction. The Six Little Steppers is another group effort with six pages of clothes, digitally restored by Pierre, plus two additional dress-up clothing pages by Judy M Johnson. The cover art by Charlot Byj is too cute too resist! Finally we have the beautiful Marsha Hunt paper doll illustrated by David Wolfe. Filled with costumes from her 1930s and 40s movie roles, this book was created in collaboration with Marsha herself.


  1. Hi Jenny, I bet you're going to the paperdoll convention. I can't attend but I can offer some paperdolls for your freebie table. I do the monthly paperdoll for Doll Reader. Let me know if your interested and if you are send me a address and I'll mail off some freebies. Karen Reilly

  2. Thanks for the offer Karen. You'll need to contact the convention coordinator, Linda Ocasio, about sending items. Her contact information is listed on the OPDAG website:

    Or you can visit the convention blog:

    Sorry you're not going to the convention. I hope to meet you someday!

  3. How exciting, a whole blog about paper dolls! I found your blog via a link on the Meet Me at Mike's blog and thought I would comment because I am a big fan of paper dolls myself and have just finished a colouring in book that has one as a centrefold. Have added your lovely blog to my RSS feed. Thanks for keeping the paper doll love alive :)

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