Sunday, January 18, 2009

Paper Dolls in the Portland Paper!

I am over the moon about the article in today's Maine Sunday Telegram. The snappy writing style of Meredith Goad makes the article fun to read, and I feel honored to be featured in Maine's biggest newspaper. Surprisingly, the article got front page billing and ran on page A5!

Appearing with the article is the the photo shown here by staff photographer, John Ewing, with the "Jenny" paper doll by David Wolfe in the foreground and me showing off Norma Lu Meehan's upcoming Rhonda Fleming paper doll). Additionally, I'm pleased that the entire article appears on the newspaper's website along with readers' comments.

1 comment:

  1. Jenny: this is only the beginning! Publicity tends to snowball, and the snowball that has started is going to get bigger and bigger as it rolls down through New England and into New York, the media capital of the world! Hang on for a fun ride!
